Students Record Master Class with Percussionist Pablo Batista

Digital Audio Production and Digital Broadcasting students at Montgomery County Community College had the unique opportunity to work with renown international percussionist Pablo Batista on April 16 at the Central Campus in Blue Bell.

Internationally renown percussionist Pablo Batista demonstrates percussion techniques in the College’s TV studio. Photo by Alana J. Mauger

Internationally renown percussionist Pablo Batista demonstrates percussion techniques in the College’s TV studio. Photo by Alana J. Mauger

Batista, who has toured and recorded with such musicians as the late Grover Washington and Alicia Keys, worked with the students to record a percussion master class in the College’s TV studio. Grammy nominated producer David Ivory, who is also an adjunct instructor at the College, hosted the master class, during which Batista alternated between demonstrating and explaining a variety of percussion techniques.

MCCC students operated cameras, sound and controls, while also directing the entire production under the guidance of Ivory and Assistant Professor Morgan Betz. Students will also be editing the piece, which will eventually be made available online for download.

According to Betz, this is the first of what he hopes are a series of opportunities to provide both audio and video students to work on projects with artists from the community, while also using the College’s state-of-the-art TV studio and control room for projects outside of class.

~ Alana J. Mauger